Which is the real Mancini?

Last week - courtesy of Zasio Enterprises - I presented “Why the Heck Should I care About ChatGPT” to the ARMA Idaho chapter.

We started off talking about the totally unprecedented way in which a REALLY BAD marketing term - ChatGPT - has entered the popular consciousness - “ChatGPT” searches are more popular than searches on “Donald Trump” - and then moved to a discussion of 5 issues that need to be considered by the IG community:

  • “I’m beginning to think we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

  • White-collar jobs beware.

  • We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.

  • We’re technology people. Trust us.

  • HAL: I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal.

I know these sound a bit cryptic, but I want you to take a look at all of the presentation slides! They can be found on this LinkedIn post:

And here’s an #AI Magic Trick!

What won’t come through in the slides is a bit of a magic trick I did during the presentation. For those who know me, which one of these recordings is the real John Mancini, and which is a voice clone?

Which is the REAL Mancini?

Cast your vote HERE - a winner will be chosen from among the successful voters to receive an Audible version of my book, IMMIGRANT SECRETS. Those who provide an incorrect answer will win 2. (Just kidding.)

(And please only vote once!)

Kind of scary stuff, especially when fake information can circle the globe in seconds.

One of the new topics at the MER Conference this year will be the impact of ChatGPT -- and AI in general -- on the future of information governance. A panel discuss of AI On the Edge: Navigating the Perilous Terrain of Generative AI will include John Isaza, Esq., Partner at Rimon Law PC, Tara Emory, Esq., Senior Vice President of Strategic Growth at Redgrave Data, Dave Lewis, PhD., Chief Scientific Officer at Redgrave Data,  and me (John Mancini, non-Esq. and non-PhD., but Immigrant Secrets author).

Here’s what we’ll talk about:

Buckle up for a thrilling ride as our expert panel of lawyers and data scientists navigate the explosive intersection of Generative AI and Information Governance. OpenAI's ChatGPT has unleashed the full power of Generative AI, and it's shaking the very foundation of content creation.  But with great power comes great responsibility, and the risks of this groundbreaking technology are not to be underestimated. Join us as we explore the dark side of Generative AI, where data privacy, intellectual property infringement, and biased content creation threaten to take down organizations.  Our panel won't leave you hanging. They'll arm you with the latest tools and best practices to protect your organization from the risks of Generative AI. The clock is ticking, and the stakes are high. Don't miss this thrilling panel discussion that could mean the difference between your organization’s success and catastrophe in the world of information governance.

Registration is now open for MER, May 22-24, and back in Chicago. HERE.


Guilty Pleasures, Survivor, and Information Management


What would HAL say about the printing press?